I enjoying having articles or other news items read to me, I followed instructions and downloaded some extra voices, my only wish is that I could adjust the pause after periods/full-stops to aid in comprehension. Maybe its just me, but I feel that every voice skips over the periods and runs onto the next sentence too quickly- this could be very troubling if the context changes and could make it difficult to fully grasp a topic, if there was a way to adjust the silence/pause/break after it finds a period- that would be excellent and could help with reducing the “robot-ness”… take it a step further and have a slight variability in the pauses, and that should help even further. I don’t understand why this wasn’t taken into consideration while these system-wide voices were put into place. Update: I just found out I can search and replace “.” with “. [[slnc 1000]]” to make it pause longer on full-stop/periods! It sounds quite good for well-written articles!